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FIND US: Mountbatten House Fairacres Windsor Berkshire SL4 4LE United Kingdom
CONTACT: +44 1753 754849


Our Products?

MFG have specialised in the manufacture and supply of plastic composite starch trays since 1972

The trays can be supplied to replace existing wooden starch trays or for completely new mogul lines.

MFG have an extensive range of moulds, accumulated from their long and highly successful experience in the business and have in excess of 50 standard mould dies that can be pulled off the shelf.

If your starch tray requirement matches their existing mould specifications, then this will save mould development time and cost.

Alternatively MFG have extensive experience and knowledge which will allow them to build new moulds to replace old wooden trays of unique dimensions or make new trays to match new mogul / product requirements.

Get the Catalogue HERE
