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Why are the major confectionery manufacturers moving to Plastic Starch Trays?

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MFG have specialised in the manufacture and supply of plastic composite starch trays since 1972.

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Specialists in the supply of equipment for candies, jellies and gummies production

Molded Fiber Glass Tray, MFG Tray (USA), is a leading manufacturer of high strength, glass reinforced composite containers, trays, boxes, flats and totes for material handling in the confectionery, food service, plastics and electronics assembly industries, as well as in pharmaceutical processing and metalworking

Multi-national companies operating worldwide


MFG Tray brings an array of performance differentials to Starch Trays

Many of their major clients, have changed completely over to plastic composite from wood, mixing both wood and plastic trays together

High strength-to-weight ratios

Temperature stability and Dimensional stability

Outstanding performance features with long service life to ensure exceptional value
